They mix with all classes of people and are therefore most dangerous.

What’s In A Name? Low Brow Art

On more than one occasion, I’ve heard it called low brow art and it first that really bothered me. I love this stuff and yet I’ve never really considered myself to be “low brow,” uncultured, backward, etc. I understand what they call high brow art, from the classics to modern art, and I love the vast majority of it, but in some ways I never felt like I fit into that world. There’s a lot of beautiful, amazing  art out there, but when I hear the way people analyze and psychoanalyze it at times, it drives me a little crazy. Why can’t we just let art “speak” to us, and take it at face value. What they call low brow art is different. It’s on the nose, it’s bold and brash and colorful and beyond that it’s creative as all get out and it’s just plain fun.  I mean this kind of art was the stuff that made me want to be an artist in the first place when I was a kid. I’ve been working around honing a style in this genre for the last few months and I’m starting to feel like I’m getting there. When I work in this style, I am largely doing art for art’s sake, and I am having a blast with it. So today I give you my “first” poster in this genre.

Now one other thing I should probably do is explain the moniker I’m toying with. A lot of the people they call low brow artists have nicknames. My favorite among them, Ed Roth, went by “Big Daddy” for example. So why did I pick Dangerous Dave Weiss. Well two reasons. First when I used to exasperate my dad, he used to say “If you had a brain, you’d be dangerous.” (He has always been a pretty great dad, and I probably had this coming). This is my declaration that I do, in fact, have a brain. But my main reason for thinking this name, is because of the quote that started this page. “Beware of artists. They mix with all classes of society and are therefore most dangerous.” That’s the kind of artist I want to be. The kind that draws people together with work that is accessible to the masses. I don’t know if this will ever go anywhere or if it’s just going to be a hobby for me, I just know I love to make art, and when I have the time to doodle and sketch and paint, making art for art’s sake, this is the kind of art I enjoy making.

Now if you meet me or you know me, please don’t call me “Dangerous.” I harbor no illusions of actually being dangerous. I’m just Dave having fun and hopefully making some “dangerous” art. hat draws people together and brings a little joy.


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